Email Salutations for the Apocalypse

Hoping for you the safest of shelters from the continuous advance of Chthulu,

Keeping you in my thoughts in these the days of the ripening of history’s rotten fruits,

Refusing to let my feelings for you fade from my breast as has the last flickering flame of my hope for the future,

Reminding you that in me you shall always find an ally and companion to face the dying of the light,

Assuring you that you are indeed not crazy and that we really are living in the surreal nightmare dreamt by the dying mind of a murdered utopia,

Finding in our continuing correspondence some small glimmer of a possibility of not only surviving this tyranny of what-is but of perhaps even one day attaining together the moment of communal realization of what-might-yet-be,

Wondering if you prefer your molotov cocktails shaken or stirred,

Fleeing despotic daylight toward a formless fabulous darkness,

Only half-jokingly suggesting that we just burn it all down,

Advising you to shelter and cover until this all blows over,

Disintegrating myself through the repetition of my self,

Reaping the poisoned seeds sown for us,

Pinching myself until I wake,

Screaming into the void,

Demanding Everything,

Increasingly forlorn,




David ShipkoComment